Its hosted by Squeaky Books
and the goal is to read at least four twisted fairy tales by May 5.
I don't know what I'm going to be reading just yet, but I think I have some ideas!
Because sometimes the best things in life are often the simplest.
The shiny black cover of a new notebook, lures me, from its place on the bed.
I sniff its delicious newness with delight while slowly I turn the pages.
Stories flood my head, vivid pictures and tender poems mix with color descriptions and lonely poetry until they're all just a bunch of meaningless words.
I sift through it, untangling the jumbo. Then a story leaps out at me itching through my fingertips to be told.
I reach for the sharpened pencil, and chew on it's pink eraser. Then I put the tip to the lined paper and watch with interest as my story unfolds on to its hungry pages.